
Project Information

FlappyGA, a game we created as part of our EIE2 Information Processing Project at Imperial College London based off of Flappy Bird.

The game involves players tilting their FPGA up and down to move the character; it supports up to 8 players playing at once.


The functional requirements of the system included:

  • FPGA performs fixed-point FIR filtering on data from accelerometer sensor to smoothen it and remove noise.
  • FPGA accelerometer data is processed on a local computer, which determines the board tilt direction. This is then sent via a websocket to Unity.
  • Photon Server is used to control the game state to allow for multiplayer. We use the DynamoDB SDK to update and get leaderboard data.
  • The FPGA is updated with the number of jumps to inform the user how long he or she has lasted in the game.